ISO 9001&14001 Certificate
External audits ISO 9001&14001 in KGHM CUPRUM sp. z o.o. RDC
There have been no inconsistencies of Integrated Management System with ISO 9001&14001 standards found by TUV NORD since 2000 until now.
KGHM CUPRUM sp. z o.o. Research and Development Centre being one of the first companies in Poland holding certificates of Integrated Quality and Environment Management System, has been honoured with the award of the “PANTHEON OF POLISH ECOLOGY”, established by the Minister of Environment and the Head of Polish Research and Certification Centre. The prize was handed by the Minister of Environmental Protection.
We are an active member of the following Clubs:
Polish Forum ISO 9000
Polish Forum ISO 14000
Polish Research Laboratories POLLAB
All external audits were successful with no need to carry out additional audits.
Implementation of management systems in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
On account of the implementation of ISO standards in branches of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., our Company was selected to carry out and supervise these actions. Specialists from KGHM CUPRUM consulted, trained and designed, and helped to implement ISO 9001&14001 standards in:
- Copper Plant “Głogów” (the integrated system of quality management and environment in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001&14001 standards),
- Copper Plant “Legnica” (implementation of environmental management system as per ISO 14001 in the certified quality management and health and safety at work systems).
The effectiveness of implementation work coordinated by KGHM CUPRUM has been confirmed by ISO 9001&14001 certificates granted to the aforementioned plants.
Policy of integrated management system
Policy of Information Security

ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate
The management of KGHM CUPRUM Research and Development Centre in Wrocław, taking care about high quality of tests and measurements carried out in laboratories confirmed by AB-726 certificates has implemented and improves the Laboratory Management System being in conformity with the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
Scope of accreditation:
Scope of accreditation of AB-726 Laboratory of Material Tests
Policy of Laboratory Quality
Policy of Laboratory Quality includes:
- Objectives of laboratory management system,
- Obligation of the management of the laboratory to be professional and to improve the implemented management system,
- Declaration of personal involvement of the President of the Management Board in works on continuous improvement of the management system functioning in research laboratories of KGHM CUPRUM.
Template forms for download:
Ordering tests/measurements to be carried out in KGHM CUPRUM laboratory
Template of report of the research
We have been members of Polish Research Laboratories Club since 2003 – registration no. 628.