Petrographic and Mineralogical Workroom
We deal with a microscope analysis of rocks and minerals in a polarized direct and transmitted light. We conduct research on preparations made in our Workroom (thin sections, metallographic samples and mounted preparations) for the purpose of mineralogical and petrographic description of rocks as well as the selection of geological material for further specialist research.
Our Team has long-term experience and performs work covering a wide range of geological material, including rock preparation deemed to be challenging and causing performance problems. Our individual approach to the tested material and search for optimum solutions meeting expectations of our Clients distinguish us in the market. Our goal is to provide free information flow between the principal and the contractor from the very moment of submitting an inquiry until the order completion.
There are the following facilities as part of our workroom:
We hold the following equipment:
- a polarising miscroscope ECLIPSE LV100N POL by Nikon with two-module lighting DIA/EPI, a digital camera DS-Ri1 by Nikon and software for image analysis NIS-Elements BR,
- a stereoscope miscroscope Leica M205C with a polarising module and a motor column along Z axis, with a digital camera DFC450 and software for image analysis Leica Application Suite (LAS).
We hold the following equipment:
- Set of devices for petrographic miscroscope preparation by a French company BROT LAB includes:
- Automatic polishing device equipped with head for making 6 preparations at the same time,
- Precise saw for thinning preparations with free regulation of cut-off point,
- Device for sample removal in oil suspension to make preparations from hydrophilic material,
- Automatic polisher for 5 preparations,
- Heated bench with clips for affixing 12 preparations at the same time,
- Vacuum chamber for deep impregnation of geological material with heated top,
- Arm saw for forming research material equipped with a continuous diamond saw blade 1.9mm thick and a working radius of 10cm;
- Twin grinding table with cast-iron discs, fi 300mm,
- Sawing machine P1 adjusted to work with diamond saw blades 0.6mm thick and a working radius of 5cm for precise forming of high value samples,
- Polishing machine Minitech 233 by Presi,
- altimeter ID-H with the measurement accuracy of 0.5µm by a Japanese company called Mitutoyo,
- a polarising miscroscope for direct and transmitted light by Zeiss.

Dr Izabella Nowak
Workroom Manager
tel. 785 906 054
send e-mail:
Pracka Street 3-3a, 54-066 Wrocław