Environmental Protection Department
Our Department offers complex services in the scope of preparation of various types of environmental documentation (permits, reports, analyses, expert appraisals and others) for planned, performed existing and liquidated undertakings.
The activity of the Department is of multi-discipline nature, thus we take an active participation in research and development work financed and co-financed by commercial sources for which we prepare relevant applications. The offer is dedicated to each industrial businesses requiring support of highly specialized staff in the field of environmental protection.
We provide business partners with knowledge on the environmental protection law, experience in the execution of projects and work requiring environmental research in case of influence of the installation on the environment and support in the course of administrative proceedings before state authorities.

Wojciech Mizera, Ph.D.
Environmental Protection Department Manager
tel. +48 71 781 22 41
send e-mail:
Sikorskiego Street 2-8,
53-659 Wrocław