Geodesy Department
Our Department offers complex geodetic services in the scope of mining measurements and investment tasks as well as analyses and forecasting of rock mass and surface deformation in conditions of made and planned mining exploitation in underground mines with the use of Finite Element Method for calculations.
As regards executed research projects, which often are of interdisciplinary nature, we cooperate with leading Polish universities and scientific units. Thus we implement innovative solutions for mining measurement – e.g. for the European Cosmic Agency and KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – concerning impact of mining exploitation on the surface of the area taking into account paraseismic phenomena at the same.
We also perform specialist geodetic measurements for the purpose of determination of deformation of the surface of the area and engineering and technical facilities coming into being as a result of mining exploitation.
Thanks to modern technological backup and a group of experienced experts we provide our partners with complex solutions encompassing design of observation networks as well as classical and satellite observations with the precision analysis and visualization of the results in form of maps and GIS products.
Geodetic services as regards investments are rendered at all stages – design, performance and control measurements – with the use of innovative measurement methods in the scope of geodetic monitoring connected with safety of construction facilities and other engineering structures.
We also carry out topographic surveys in the technology of photogrammetric digital surveys.

Grzegorz Kurpiński
Geodesy Department Manager
tel. + 48 76 749 39 38,
mobile +48 577 666 102
send e-mail:
1 Maja Street 14,
59-300 Lubin

Marcin Baran
Deputy Manager of Investment Services
Geodesy Department
tel. + 48 76 749 39 38
send e-mail:
1 Maja Street 14,
59-300 Lubin

Mateusz Seta
Deputy Manager of Surface Deformation Measurements
Geodesy Department
tel. + 48 76 749 39 38
send e-mail:
1 Maja Street 14,
59-300 Lubin